Aquaponic Project Proposal For Puglia

An informed proposal for an integrated agricultural system that is composed by a hydroponic and aquaculture (aquaponics) recirculating cycle, and a separate insect rearing unit. The last part of this proposal is focused on the specific geographical benefits for Puglia.
Virtual Crickets

How Virtual Reality can aid the adoption of entomophagy, even in customers with a high degree of disgust and neophobia!
Trash Blindness

Trash is a cunning and sly creature.
A parasite that has learned to hide in plain sight in the urban landscape.
It is everywhere and we have become blind to it. This particular affliction is called trash-blindness.
Familiarity Breeds Contempt…for Vegan Sausages

What’s the difference between a vegan and a pork sausage? None…theoretically. It is all about “Familiarity”!
Why I Take Photos of Food on the Sidewalk

The quantity of food waste I came across in the sreet is astonishing!
I started to document this with a specific behavioural theory in my mind…
Beyond the espresso – The hidden value of spent coffee ground

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and so it produces a significant amount of waste. Find out how we can reuse and capture the hidden value of Spent Ground Coffee.